QPT has a long history of developing IOR project plans, designs, and cost estimates for both pilot and field wide projects including facilities design and operational costs to establish the economic value of oil projects. QPT has applied this capability to help clients determine the optimal IOR strategy to maximize the return on investment and oil recovery for their oil fields.

Our subsurface engineering team works hand-in-hand with our chemical engineers in the lab to find the optimum solution based on specific reservoir properties. Given the increasing complexity of the solutions that we apply to reservoirs, QPT has significantly expanded its capabilities in the reservoir simulation area.

Services provided by our staff of engineers include:

1. Well data analysis
2. Reservoir analysis
3. Preliminary economics
4. Numerical simulation
5. Pilot project design
6. Injection production data analysis
7. Reservoir monitoring
8. IOR screening studies
9. Risk management
10. Field history matching

As a result of our advice and solutions, our clients can expect us to deliver and will benefit generally in the following areas:

1. Improve low Recovery Factors (RF)
2. Improved handling of Complex Geology
3. Minimize Capex
4. Improve Commercial Viability
5. Optimize Facilities Utilization
6. Provide Specific and Niche Technologies to address sub-surface complexities