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QPT is currently evaluating the technical and commercial merits of the following projects, which QPT expects to select and undertake within the financial year.

1. Water Injection optimization – PMO, Malaysia
2. Fractured Reservoir production solutions – PMO, Malaysia
3. Integrated Brownfield Decommissioning – PMO, Malaysia
4. MEOR and brownfield rejuvenation project – SKO, Malaysia
5. MEOR and brownfield rejuvenation project – Brunei
6. MEOR and brownfield optimization project – North Sumatra, Indonesia
7. Onshore brownfield rejuvenation and optimization project – Java Region, Indonesia
8. Offshore brownfield rejuvenation and optimization project – Java Region, Indonesia
9. Field Development Planning (FDP), and Drilling Optimization and Management – Bangladesh
10. Onshore Horizontal Drilling Production Forecast and Economics evaluation – Alberta, Canada
11. Unconventional Resources Evaluation and Full Field Review (FFR) – Myanmar